Hej, jeg vil prøve at skrive hvad der stod på nogen af de skilte vi så på vores tur i Skotland:)

I Urquhart Castle stod der følgende uden for borgen.

”The Gatehouse served most likely as the residential quarters of the constable or keeper of the castle. Only the ground floor survives intact for the gatehouse was blown up possibly in 1691/2. On government orders. In order to render the castle unserviceable as a jacobite base . These two fragments of masonry come from the upper storeys of the gatehouse.”

Phew sikke en mundful:)

Så inde I Edinburgh castle stod der også et skilt, hvor husker jeg ikke. Men jeg tror det stod inde i et sted de kalder Argyle Tower.

”Archibald Campbell, ninth Earl of Argyll (1529-1685), is said to have spent his last time on God's Earth here in the Argyle Tower before his execution for treason at Edinburgh's mercat cross on 30 June 1685. Apparently, he dined well, slept soundly, and went to his death defiant to the end.”

Og nu her det sidste skilt jeg vil skrive af! Det er et skilt uden for et Spøgelses hus!

”Halloween weekend special. Burke & Hare. Free ghost tours. Saturday 30th & sunday 31th October

TOUR LED BY: William Burke hanged 1829. Terrifyingly TRUE Tales of:


3pm & 5pm & 8pm & 9pm. Be afraid...... Be Very Afraid Laughter and Horror guaranteed!!!”

Ja det var nu godt at man havde en mobil med fem megapixel til at tage billeder man kunne skrive af fra! Det er godt med skilte fordi de giver minder om hvad man har oplevet. Og til slut vil jeg sige at vi havde en rigtig god tur til Skotland!